Showing posts with label NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEWS. Show all posts

VIDEO; What is going on here?? Elephant tortures the Tourists after seeing this Video you will never risk to visit National Parks in small cars!!!!

VIDEO; What is going on here?? Elephant tortures the Tourists after seeing this Video you will never risk to visit National Parks in small cars!!!!  | TIPS AND TRICKSVIDEO; What is going on here?? Elephant tortures the Tourists after seeing this Video you will never risk to visit National Parks in small cars!!!!

How to Reset the htaccess File of Your WordPress Site Using FTP

Sometimes, changes to a .htaccess file, whether manually or via a tool with appropriate access, renders a WordPress site inoperable. It might be that all pages 404, or there is simply a white screen without errors, or you get redirected to weird places, or you have the inability to login.

15 Ways to Increase CPC Rates for Improving AdSense Earnings

CPC stands for Cost-Per-Click sometimes known as pay-per-click (PPC) i.e. the amount which has to be paid by the advertisers for a single click on their Ads running on your particular webpage. Consequently, it is nothing but the costs incurred by advertisers in one hand and on the other hand it is revenue for Google AdSense Publishers.